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What to pack in your ballet bag


There are a few things you need in your ballet bag, no matter what your age, or what the time of year, and then there are some things extra things you might need if you’re heading off to a ballet exam or an Eisteddfod.

Read on for Penny’s best tips.

Ballet bag essentials

· Hand sanitiser (an essential everywhere these days!)

· Drink bottle

· Shoes (ballet, tap, jazz)

· Hand towel (not just for drying hands, also perfect to mop up sweat!)

· Hair things: brush and comb, pins, bun nets. (Yes, plural on the bun nets. They’re notorious for breaking at the worst possible time!)

· Spare leotard and tights (in case of mishaps)

· Snacks, especially if you’re heading to ballet straight from school, or doing more than one class. (But please, no bananas! Unless they're in a separate case or zip-lock bag. We all know someone who’s had to deal with banana squished through all their gear!!)

In winter, add:

· Cross over (to match your dance school’s uniform)

· Warm up pants

· Cozy jumper for getting to and from class

· Warm up boots to keep your feet and ankles toasty.

Ballet bag essentials for dancers who are en pointe:

All of the above, PLUS:

· Pointe shoes

· Toe tape and scissors (or toe pads if that’s your preference)

· Lambswool

· Stitch kit

· Band-Aids

· Deodorant (we’re assuming your probably in your teens by now, so deodorant is probably becoming essential!)

Ballet bag essentials for exams and Eisteddfods:

Help keep your nerves at bay by being really organised before your exam or Eisteddfod. As well as the items in the essentials list (and the en pointe list if that’s relevant for you) also include:

· Extra hair things: bobby pins, bun pins, nets. Also pack: hair spray, gel and a tail comb

· Makeup and makeup removal/baby wipes

· Safety pins

· Sewing kit

· A fresh pair of tights still in their packet! (You don’t want to lose points for presentation for want of a fresh pair of tights!)

· For Eisteddfods: Your music file(s), and back-up copies just in case.


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